Modern Classics TV sponsorship information

Why sponsor Modern Classics TV

Return on investment

Your support will aid in the development of the series including writing, planning, production, and marketing. As part of marketing efforts, your financial support will be recognized via on-going publicity within and outside the America’s Open Roads Media network - potentially attracting thousands of eyes on your brand.

Story telling

“Along with stories, storytelling has been used to bridge the gap between people over time and across cultures. Stories themselves are artifacts that can be stored in people's memories and shared over and over again”. (

Tourism and Economic Development

The team behind America’s Open Roads Media recognize the economic importance of tourism. Based on data from the World Travel & Tourism Council in 2015, tourism ranked third in global employment, only behind retail and agriculture. Recognizing this impact, each episode of Modern Classics TV includes a bit of tourism to expand the interest(s) of the series while promoting these given areas.

Grow it.

The time is now. YouTube and Hulu have been streaming over 14 years. Resent research found that 63% of U.S. consumers watch their favorite show online. With the increasing uses of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even desktop computers, this growth is sure to continue.

Automobile Preservation

The importance of automobile preservation is evident in a reference from the Historical Vehicle Association's website; ”Over the last 125 years, the adoption of the automobile has had a profound impact on the development of virtually every aspect of modern culture. The cars, motorcycles, and trucks that remain chronicled help us understand who we are, where we have been, and where we may be headed. As a society, we have an obligation to preserve these historic vehicles and related artifacts as a lasting record of our progress.” (